Da Vinci® Surgery

It is a minimally invasive surgery option, similar to laparoscopy, that allows the surgeon visualization of the pelvic organs and structures in a three dimensional fashion.  Furthermore, the system has  specialized wristed surgical instruments that bend at the tip and allows to perform complex surgery in a minimally invasive fashion.  Consequently, the surgeon has enhanced visualization, dexterity, and precision.  As a physician certified in the daVinci surgical system, Dr. Lopez,  is able to offer this minimally invasive surgery alternative to his patients.

  • Robotic assisted hysterectomies (removal of uterus)
  • Robotic assisted ovarian cystectomies and oophorectomies (removal of ovarian cysts and ovaries)
  • Robotic assisted myomectomies (removal of fibroids)
  • Robotic assisted lysis of Adhesions
  • Robotic assisted fulguration of endiometriosis